Boutique Karma

Just another weblog

Survivor Thursday – ‘who is that guy again???’ January 28, 2010

I heard some buzz the other day that Survivor is renewed for another 2 seasons. This leads me to believe they will probably make it to 25 seasons. Can you believe it? Nope, neither can I.

Flashback to the first season, I remember getting into the season a little late and forcing certain friends to watch back to back episodes just to get them hooked. Of course this ploy worked, and one became a bigger reality tv junkie than myself (nope, not naming names). It was such a great season, and so memorable.. I remember Rudy (the cranky old bugger), Susan (holier than thou attitude), Richard (the nudist – mastermind), Sean (the doctor who voted alphabetically), Kelly (rafting instructor made it to the finals),  Colleen (america’s cutie), I remember them eating the rats. It feels like yesterday. Then I remember waiting until after the super bowl to watch Season 2 and got fully immersed in those characters, then again in Africa. After that, honestly it became a blur. I can name more characters from the first 3 seasons than all the following seasons combined. Crazy, but true, and I watched every season to my husbands dismay.

I remember telling you that I would give you an overview of all the characters – thats not happening – I can’t remember most of them. I’ll give you a little insight on the ones that I do remember – is that ok? For a few of the contestants its their third time back – who would be that crazy? (not me – I couldn’t imagine living without my morning coffee – food would be an after thought)

Today I’m going to reintroduce Stephenie, asides from Ethan Zohn I think she’s my favorite all time player. I remember her first time on the show she was the last member of her tribe standing. She was a physical force to reckon with and didn’t stand a chance on the other tribe. Second time around she was the runner-up, she had to maneuver and lie to get to the end. I would really like to see this girl make it to the end. Asides from game play all I can say is that she has fabulous abs. I would KILL someone to have her physique. I see her team thinking she’s a threat and voting her early.

Stephenie Lagrossa – team Heroes

I really hope this season they can change it up a little and make it unpredictable for all these seasoned players. Sure playing each other, knowing each other’s personalities earlier will make it exciting, but the show itself has become stagnant. If I watch another sweet, coat-tail rider who had no personal game play win another round I WILL turn off the show next season and watch something else. Russel was ROBBED last season, he may have been a jerk but he PLAYED that game like no other. Being judged by a group of sore losers who’ve had their feelings hurt isn’t a testimate to who actually played the best. The motto is  ‘outlast, outwit and outplay’ and many of these winners haven’t done anything other claim to have tagged along with a strong, aggressive player who they allowed to do the dirty work for them.  BOOO!

Next week we’ll talk about good ‘ole guy Colby – who I met once upon a time and actually had a photo taken with (my sister cropped me out)



Survivor Thursday January 7, 2010

Filed under: Thursday,Uncategorized — boutiquekarma @ 5:32 pm
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Out there in blogging land everyone seems to have these really cutesy names for the days of the week. Everyone also seems to have the same one! Well, being the original that I am, I have no clue what to call Thursday. I thought of words that started with the letter T, rhyming words, and came up with NOTHING, NADA – at least not original or a title which could give me some sort of guidance to where I would be going with this.

So, what does Thursday generally mean for me? TV – that simple. Thursday is the one night of television that I have looked forward to for the past 10 years. For me it is Survivor night (and now also Grey’s Anatomy). It is my date night with the dreamy Jeff Probst. I can sit there and drool over him a little, say ‘he’s so cute’ and my husband doesn’t even bat an eye. Ok, the show has lost a lot of its originality, but he’s still on it and it is one hour where I can escape my tribe. Seeing as how everyday, after bed time, I have felt ‘outwitted, outlasted, and outplayed’ by my little children.

Thursday is also the day where I see the finish line and think ‘ahhh… the weekend is almost here,”just one more day’ – I have Survived!

My Thursday blog will be about little things I do to survive and make it through to the weekend ~ and maybe a few comments about Jeff’s dimples (wink)

What are your little tips for surviving the day? the week? the month?

