Boutique Karma

Just another weblog

Tweakin’ Tuesday February 16, 2010

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This past week has been rough, full of excuses and thankfully done. Last week my son and I had the flu, I didn’t journal, didn’t drink much water, yada yada yada

Thankfully this is a long process and minor setbacks are just that as long as you catch yourself and turn a new leaf.  This weekend, after we had gotten better, after valentine’s day dinner I went out and bought myself a beautiful journal (please read expensive) and got myself motivated. Then Monday morning I weighed myself – I try to do this only once per week – and was so relieved to see that I had not gained any weight over the course of the week, I had actually lost a little bit. What a motivator to do better this week!

As for yoga – I know I said that I would try to do it at least twice last week. Well, this in my week of excuses did not happen. I did it once on Sunday morning and it felt great! I loved how relaxing it was, I almost felt as if I was walking taller after doing it. During the actual workout though I felt quite inadequate, I never realized how inflexible I was. This instructor was like gumby folding himself in half. I wasn’t able to do some of the stretches fully, but I know that I will get better with time and persistance. The thing I love about yoga (or pilates) is that I can do it at night – most aerobic or cardio will keep me up all night, but this actually will relax me and help me sleep.

So what do I plan for the next week?

write in my pretty & expensive journal

drink lots of water

yoga at least twice

Want a yummy recipe to try out this week? Try this recipe for Tuscan Pot Pie from Chatelaine Magazine. It is one of their tested until perfect recipes. I do have some recommendations to go along with it:

– poach your chicken in advance
– remember to take out your puff pastry to thaw the night before

This recipe makes a delicious dish and can be used as the blue print for many different variations (I’m thinking chicken curry one day). It will take you longer than the recipe boasts, and you will use many different dishes and cutting boards. It makes a super large dish of yumminess.   Enjoy!

Have a great week everyone!


Wednesday – Tweakin’ & Sneezing February 10, 2010

Hey everyone, I’m going to keep this posting rather short today. I was feeling a tad off yesterday, but this morning I woke up feeling like I had been hit by a truck.  My head is hurting, my body is throbbing, even the little muscles behind my eyes are begging me to close my eyes and go to bed. There is no congestion yet, but my sinuses are burning. Anyhow, enough about that… I just wanted to brief you in on how my week has gone.

This week was rough, could it be that the honeymoon period is already gone? I’m having a hard time journalling – perhaps because I’m doing it on an excel spreadsheet and not good ole pen and paper. I think this week I may switch that up. Water has also been a real struggle for me, I find excuses not to find time to down a glass.  That was what held me back this week, excuses. At least the scale is liking me a little more.

Oh, I read the GI diet and I can’t follow it now based on one fundamental issue I have with it. NO COFFEE. NONE, NADA, Not allowed. PFFFFFfffffftttt.. Tee hee hee..  not happening. However, I’ve looked at whats allowed vs not and have a recipe book. I’ll carry out some of the stuff into my lifestyle without compromising my caffeine issues. I need coffee, love it, suffer when I don’t consume it. I’ll give up chocolate, chips, soda, but not my beloved morning java. Thats just not right. Losing weight shouldn’t come down to a cup of the brown stuff in the morning (even though it is proven to boost food cravings and appetite).

A good friend who I am lucky enough to call my pseudo sister-in-law (long story) is a yoga buff & enthusiast. She lent me 3 dvds to try and Chapters finally shipped my yoga for back care dvd.  I’m so excited to try it out! I’m not sure when I plan on slipping in these workouts, originally I had planned on 6am as my target, but now the two bambinos are getting up around that hour. I might have to suffer through 8pm workouts. (YUK)

I’m going to take my coffee and cuddle with the kids for a bit, but here are this week’s goals:

buy a journal for writing

drink a glass of water prior to every meal (no excuses)

do yoga at least twice

Nice little tweaks – easy – here’s to success! Cheers 😀

How was your week? Did you have any successes/setbacks?


Tweaking Tuesday – Lucky #3 January 26, 2010

Last week was a success! I’m really proud of the work I did last week and how I met most of my goals.

My physiotherapy visit last Thursday was a let down. I was hoping my new physiotherapy  (my regular therapist is currently on preventative leave) would be exciting, but it felt as though she was a little lost. I’m hoping this week she’ll be a little more with it. My whole session she was running around with other patients and I was there in the end for almost 2 hours. Usually I enjoy being out of the house and taking some time to myself, however this visit seemed endless.

Stretching is going well, I’ve been able to run through all of them at least twice a day. This sunday I have another massage lined up (last session worked miracles), so I’m hoping early next week to add some light yoga to my routine. I found a yoga dvd for people with back pain, it was even on sale at – I just can’t bring myself to spend over $8 in shipping on the item. I’m looking around to see if I can find one cheaper. I know, I know, as someone who sells online I should understand the cost of shipping. It just bothers me knowing that they can send it to me at a cost lower than $3. Any suggestions of where to look?

This week’s goals are a little more lofty – after a weekend filled with yummy food, wine and desserts I want to start tackling my food intake now that I’ve change some other habits. I’m  starting to journal my food intake and follow my weight watchers plan again. For those of you who don’t know about Weight Watchers it is a weight loss/maintenance system which takes into account healthy lifestyle and eating habits, journalling and support to aid members in weight loss, there is also this point system calculated with your calories, fat and fiber and a points target based on weight, age & activity. I did the program years ago and dropped 60 lbs and kept it off for a year, becoming a lifetime member, so I know the system works for me. I began  participating on the weight watchers online boards again yesterday. I think if I don’t start this ‘tweak’ now that I’ll continue to eat my troubles away. Yesterday was my first day journalling and I did a fabulous job, I stayed with my points target and drank tons of water. Now if I could just get my husband to stop asking me to make him chocolate chip cookies at night I’ll be ok.

fact: while pregnant with my daughter I ran out in the middle of the night to buy my husband cookies for his craving, not the other way around.

so this is what I’m working on this week:

stretching, physiotherapy & massage
drink 1 pitcher of water per day
stick to WW plan (keep within points target – work on other rules next week)

I’ll let you know how it goes 😀

Weight Watchers Hungry Orange Monster by Giraffecraft on Etsy

What are you doing to for yourself this week?


Tweaking Tuesday January 12, 2010

Today I’m going to give you a little insight into my life. It feels like since I was a teenager I’ve struggled with my weight/body image. When my husband and I started dating years ago I was at my highest weight ever, a year later I joined Weight Watchers and lost close to 60 lbs. It was the most success I had ever had with a weight loss program, and the only one out there I feel helps change your habits for life. Granted I’m not at my goal weight anymore, but after two kids I’m not at my highest weight.

This year’s resolution isn’t to lose weight. Nah- that’s too typical and really the number on my scale display bothers me, but it no longer keeps me up at night. I want to feel good. I want  to run with my kids. I want to not cringe when putting on a dress or at the idea of going out. Essentially I want to start taking care of myself. Over the past few months I’ve developed a lot of back pain, my sciatic nerve is pinched, and a lot of that is because of my weight and my lack of core muscles. However, I’m in a vicious cycle.. the more I do the more it hurts, the less I do.. the less chance of recovery I have.  Mix that up with picking up my two little ones and I’m struggling daily.

This brings me to Tweaking Tuesday.. this is the day of the week where I’ll let you know how I’m going to make a small change for myself this week. This week I’m starting to do some stretching, some minor core exercises and pilates. I’m not going to lie and tell you I’ll do this everyday (stretching I will because it’s part of my physiotherapy). If I get down on the ground and successfully workout 3 times this week I’ll be shouting ‘woot – woot’ from the rooftop.

To get into better shape I have to work on both exercise & food.  Realistically, I’m only going to make small changes every week and create new healthy habits. This week, week 1, I’ll do the stretching and make a minor change to my eating habits: drink more water. ICK. For every 2 glasses of water I drink I’ll reward myself with a caffeinated beverage (coffee or diet pepsi). However, I’ll start the day in a deficit because nothing enters my body before my morning coffee.

Good luck to me!

How about you? Are you making any changes for a healthier 2010? What are your reasons?
