Boutique Karma

Just another weblog

Tweaking Tuesday – a confession February 23, 2010

Filed under: tweaking Tuesday — boutiquekarma @ 7:30 pm
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DREAM.BELIEVE.ACHIEVE Inspirational Vinyl Wall Word Art (Black) by bzzybeecreative

Oh how I dread hitting the publish button on this post. I hate admitting that I haven’t been following my own program, tell you I’ve gone off track, confessing I’ve lost control over my own eating habits. I could hide behind my computer and lie and tell you how fabulous it is to be in control and losing tons of weight (would you know?), I could just make this weekly posting disappear and hope no one asks how its going, I could even lie and post pics of myself from 5 years ago and say ‘look – I’ve done it!’ and only one of my readers (a good friend of mine) would be the wiser.

Here’s the thing, I run a small home business under the ‘Boutique Karma’ name, this blog is mostly professional but this is the little glimpses I give to you of my own life struggles. It’s a little bit of a tightrope walk because often I question this feature – I wonder if it is too personal. My friend (above mentioned) told me she loves this – and it might allow you, potential buyers, suppliers, virtual friends and supporters get to know a little bit about me. Makes me more than a shop front, more than a tree avatar or a cute mug. I’m not the only out there struggling and maybe you can relate.

Let me tell you where it all fell to pieces last week. I was being super good, writing in my pretty new journal, drinking my water (kind of) and motivated again. Then I found a recipe to surprise my wonderful dessert starved husband with. I thought it was a great fun idea (just give me a second and I’ll fill you in with what it is), didn’t take a long time to make and my husband loved it. It is what is known as a 5 minute chocolate cake in a mug. Thats it, you whip it up in a mug, cook it for 3 minutes in the microwave and you are done! 5 mins! Where is the danger in that???? Instant gratification my friends. How can I make it for my husband and not eat it myself? Seriously? Do you see me cooking CHOCOLATE cake and sitting beside him with a fat-free yogurt while watching these perfect athletic Olympians? So I had the first blip, then my husband continuously asks for it every night. I haven’t been caving, but the continuous whining and pleading for chocolate cake is killing my will power.

I’m having a hard time flipping the switch and doing better. I want to say from the time I hit publish I will be a super strong, willful & healthy eater, but I can make not guarantees. All I can say is that from the time I hit publish I will stop the mental mitchy (mean & ____ combo word taught by a dear friend)  self talk. I will put my setbacks behind me and try for a better week. I can do this, I know it. It’s not the winning that matters, it is how we get there… right??

btw – I’m going out for Italian on Saturday – this will be a planned free for all. I’m ok with that, Sunday will be a new day.

Anyone having a hard time out there? Anyone have cookies talking to them from the cupboards?

DREAM.BELIEVE.ACHIEVE words to live by




Tweakin’ Tuesday February 16, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — boutiquekarma @ 2:23 pm
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This past week has been rough, full of excuses and thankfully done. Last week my son and I had the flu, I didn’t journal, didn’t drink much water, yada yada yada

Thankfully this is a long process and minor setbacks are just that as long as you catch yourself and turn a new leaf.  This weekend, after we had gotten better, after valentine’s day dinner I went out and bought myself a beautiful journal (please read expensive) and got myself motivated. Then Monday morning I weighed myself – I try to do this only once per week – and was so relieved to see that I had not gained any weight over the course of the week, I had actually lost a little bit. What a motivator to do better this week!

As for yoga – I know I said that I would try to do it at least twice last week. Well, this in my week of excuses did not happen. I did it once on Sunday morning and it felt great! I loved how relaxing it was, I almost felt as if I was walking taller after doing it. During the actual workout though I felt quite inadequate, I never realized how inflexible I was. This instructor was like gumby folding himself in half. I wasn’t able to do some of the stretches fully, but I know that I will get better with time and persistance. The thing I love about yoga (or pilates) is that I can do it at night – most aerobic or cardio will keep me up all night, but this actually will relax me and help me sleep.

So what do I plan for the next week?

write in my pretty & expensive journal

drink lots of water

yoga at least twice

Want a yummy recipe to try out this week? Try this recipe for Tuscan Pot Pie from Chatelaine Magazine. It is one of their tested until perfect recipes. I do have some recommendations to go along with it:

– poach your chicken in advance
– remember to take out your puff pastry to thaw the night before

This recipe makes a delicious dish and can be used as the blue print for many different variations (I’m thinking chicken curry one day). It will take you longer than the recipe boasts, and you will use many different dishes and cutting boards. It makes a super large dish of yumminess.   Enjoy!

Have a great week everyone!


Wednesday – Tweakin’ & Sneezing February 10, 2010

Hey everyone, I’m going to keep this posting rather short today. I was feeling a tad off yesterday, but this morning I woke up feeling like I had been hit by a truck.  My head is hurting, my body is throbbing, even the little muscles behind my eyes are begging me to close my eyes and go to bed. There is no congestion yet, but my sinuses are burning. Anyhow, enough about that… I just wanted to brief you in on how my week has gone.

This week was rough, could it be that the honeymoon period is already gone? I’m having a hard time journalling – perhaps because I’m doing it on an excel spreadsheet and not good ole pen and paper. I think this week I may switch that up. Water has also been a real struggle for me, I find excuses not to find time to down a glass.  That was what held me back this week, excuses. At least the scale is liking me a little more.

Oh, I read the GI diet and I can’t follow it now based on one fundamental issue I have with it. NO COFFEE. NONE, NADA, Not allowed. PFFFFFfffffftttt.. Tee hee hee..  not happening. However, I’ve looked at whats allowed vs not and have a recipe book. I’ll carry out some of the stuff into my lifestyle without compromising my caffeine issues. I need coffee, love it, suffer when I don’t consume it. I’ll give up chocolate, chips, soda, but not my beloved morning java. Thats just not right. Losing weight shouldn’t come down to a cup of the brown stuff in the morning (even though it is proven to boost food cravings and appetite).

A good friend who I am lucky enough to call my pseudo sister-in-law (long story) is a yoga buff & enthusiast. She lent me 3 dvds to try and Chapters finally shipped my yoga for back care dvd.  I’m so excited to try it out! I’m not sure when I plan on slipping in these workouts, originally I had planned on 6am as my target, but now the two bambinos are getting up around that hour. I might have to suffer through 8pm workouts. (YUK)

I’m going to take my coffee and cuddle with the kids for a bit, but here are this week’s goals:

buy a journal for writing

drink a glass of water prior to every meal (no excuses)

do yoga at least twice

Nice little tweaks – easy – here’s to success! Cheers 😀

How was your week? Did you have any successes/setbacks?